True Solar Time Design Options

All information contained is copyright of Spiden Electrical Services Pty Ltd Office: 03 9737 9115  Fax: 03 9737 9231. Site and Logo designed by

Great foresight & resources are required by us, as change is coming to us...

Grid-Interactive only

Grid-Interactive with battery backup

Standalone System


This type of system only operates when the electrical supply is available.  In the event of an outage, the system is designed to shut down until supply power is restored. An example size of a solar panel array would be 6 – 170w solar panels.  This array would be capable of producing approximately 1 kilowatt of power per hour depending on shading, available sun, the season and ambient temperature of and around the panels.  When we design a system these factors are taken into consideration. This size array would provide enough power to reduce your electricity bill.  

Grid-Interactive with the use of other alternative power generating technologies:

This type of system utilises grid connection and incorporates power generating technologies such as: solar, batteries, wind, genset, micro/hydro. These systems rely on the energy storage in the form of a battery to keep “critical load” (fridge, freezer etc.) circuits in the house operating during a supply outage. These critical load circuits are wired/linked via a change over switch and rely on this device to supply power to the critical loads. When there is a grid failure the change over switch isolates the electricity supply and allows the site to be powered by batteries and an inverter.

Standalone Power Systems

This type of system utilises power generating technologies such as: solar, batteries, wind, genset, micro/hydro. These systems rely on the energy storage in the form of a battery to keep “critical load” (fridge, freezer etc.) circuits in the site operating.

All information contained is copyright of Spiden Electrical Services Pty Ltd Office: 03 9737 9115  Fax: 03 9737 9231. Site and Logo designed by

Our energy management systems include:

  1. Solar Grid Connect

  2. Standalone Power Generation Systems

  3. Wind Technology

  4. Generator Systems

  5. Electrical Services & Telecommunication Networks

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