True Solar Time Power Generators
Extreme weather, construction and many unforeseen complications and accidents can interrupt the electrical service to your business and household. Unexpected power blackouts can be costly, unsafe and a major inconvenience.
True Solar Time can design and install a standby generator system that will have all the necessities, comfort and convenience you depend on to run your day-to-day business or household activities.
The size of Generators can range from 1 kVA to 660 kVA. Standby diesel generating sets come with Manual Start and usually have the option of adding Remote and/or Automatic Start, Acoustic Canopies for noise reduction and weather protection, Mains Failure Control Systems for emergency power start-ups during power outages, inverter technology, as well as Trailer Gensets for convenient transportation.
Great foresight & resources are required by us, as change is coming to us...
Paguro marine genset sizes from 3-9Kva
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Our energy management systems include:
• Solar Grid Connect
• Grid Connect with battery storage
• Standalone Power Generation systems (off grid)
• Wind Technology
• Micro Hydro systems
• Generator systems
• Electrical services and telecommunications networks