True Solar Time Telecommunications & Home Automation


Where would business be without a properly designed and installed telecommunication network? Our team holds an Open Cabler’s Licence which allows us to help design and install a cabled network that will run your house, office, shop, factory or commercial premises.

Great foresight & resources are required by us, as change is coming to us...

Home Automation

As climate change emerges as a major issue for all businesses in relation to energy emissions, we are finding our services being required to implement energy conservation networks.

These requests come from customers in many different areas of business including:

•  Lighting control in commercial shops.

•  Waterwise projects.

•  Customers requiring automation of an integrated fire fighting pump with solar/

    battery backup and phone dial in. These projects have rewards for both the client and
    our company. We aim to create close working relationships between the customer and
    the company.

Electrical/Data/Communication Fitout for Yarra Junction Community Link Shire of Yarra Ranges

Proud installer of the energy management system in this Sydney house featured in the Daily Telegraph newspaper .

CBUS touch screen display

All information contained is copyright of Spiden Electrical Services Pty Ltd Office: 03 9737 9115  Fax: 03 9737 9231. Site and Logo designed by

All information contained is copyright of Spiden Electrical Services Pty Ltd Office: 03 9737 9115  Fax: 03 9737 9231. Site and Logo designed by